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  3. Troubleshooting Publishing Issues

Troubleshooting Publishing Issues

If you encounter issues while publishing your website from Blocs to your hosting provider, several factors could be preventing the process from completing successfully. This guide outlines potential solutions and workarounds to help you resolve the problem.

Test Connection Failed

If the test connection fails it can be for a number of reasons. The most common cause is username and password not being correct.

Another common issue is using the wrong path location. To ensure you have the correct path set, click the folder icon on the right of the path field and navigate to the correct location on your server.

In some cases, the path field should be left empty because the FTP account is already configured to enter the correct directory for uploading your website files.

Publish Fails

If the connection test passes but publishing still fails, this usually means you are trying to publish using Active Mode, and the server (or a firewall/router in between) is blocking the incoming data connection.

To fix this issue set the protocol to FTP and enable passive mode.

Beginners Tip

Some hosts only support Passive Mode, especially shared hosts.

Updated on 27th March 2025

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