Fancy Text

The Fancy Text Bric makes it incredibly quick and easy to add word-by-word reveal animations to any text Bric in your project.

How to use

Once you’ve purchased and installed the Fancy Text Bric, simply insert the Bric into your Blocs project using the Bric Bar.

As long as the Fancy Text Bric is present within a page, you can use and combine any of the pre-defined classes to animate the words within text Brics. Simply select a text Bric such as a header or paragraph and apply any of the supported Fancy Text classes.

When you preview or publish your website, Fancy Text will take care of the rest.


Fancy Text classes should only be used on text elements such as headers and paragraphs. You may also find some text formatting such as text gradients may be lost when Fancy Text animates words.

Supported Classes

  • ft = Animate each word.
  • ft-up = Animate words up.
  • ft-down = Animate words down.
  • ft-left = Animate words in from the left.
  • ft-right = Animate words in from the right.
  • ft-clip = Clip animation to bounds.
  • ft-long = Longer animation offset.
  • ft-nofade = Remove fade in.
  • ft-speed2 = Animation speed 0.2s.
  • ft-speed3 = Animation speed 0.3s.
  • ft-speed4 = Animation speed 0.4s.
  • ft-speed5 = Animation speed 0.5s.
  • ft-speed6 = Animation speed 0.6s.
  • ft-speed7 = Animation speed 0.7s.
  • ft-speed8 = Animation speed 0.8s.
  • ft-speed9 = Animation speed 0.9s.
  • ft-speed10 = Animation speed 1.0s.

Fancy Text is available to buy at the Blocs Store.

Updated on 20th March 2025

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