Animation Blocs comes with various animation features that let you quickly and easily add eye catching animations to any elements on...
Scroll FX Blocs comes with various animation features, however, Scroll FX are probably the most captivating as they allow you to animate...
Interactions Blocs comes with many different interaction types which are available to use with user interface elements such as buttons, icons,...
Tooltips On some occasions you may want to include additional information about an item on your website to help the user...
Gradient Background To apply a gradient colour effect to a Blocs background, you will need to use a custom class. The steps below will guide you through the process.
Accessing Global Swatches via the Class Manager There are multiple ways to add colour to elements in Blocs, you can either use static colours which are applied...
Lazy Load Blocs has a built in feature that is designed to help web pages load faster. This feature is called Lazy...
Guides Blocs is able to display basic page layout guides that help identify the page columns and their respective gutters. Toggle...
Scroll-To in Navgation There are times when you may wish to include an animated scroll-to interaction for a menu item, in your projects...
Styling Nav Links The easiest way to style the text links found within the navigation menu is with the typography options found in...